Why do we decide to have, or not have, children?

In a time that now seems incredibly far away, a time that my colleague OluTimehin Adegbeye calls 2020 BC (before corona), I co-hosted a meet-up with members of The Correspondent in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

It was February, and little did I know that it would be one of the last times I was going to meet up with strangers without feeling anxious about our distancing measures and mask-wearing habits.

The idea was to talk about parenting together with Ariana Budasoff, a journalist from Argentine member-funded news platform Red/ACCIÓN, and Paola de los Santos, a social psychologist and author specialised in breastfeeding and parenting.

The meeting was quite intimate. Three members of The Correspondent and two members of Red/ACCIÓN showed up, and we had an insightful conversation about issues concerning parenting and the beginning of life. 

Both Ariana, the journalist, and a member were pregnant. Most others had children. Begoña, one of our members, didn’t – and this fact made the whole event even more worthwhile for me.

Paola de los Santos, on the left, and me – trying to formulate some thought – on the right. Photo courtesy of Paola de los Santos.

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