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What would a world without men look like?

It all starts with a birthday party: Madalena, a stay-at-home mother, organises a birthday party in the park for her daughter Rosa, with an incredible homemade cake and lots of other delicious food. Madalena is waiting for her partner Andrea, who has an important job

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Forever in the archive

Ruminations on the fragility of life

This week my son Lorenzo fell while bouncing around in the park. He was holding a tiny stick, which ended up poking him just above the eyelid. It was a miracle he didn’t scratch his cornea or poke his eye out. But was it a

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Welcome to the magical land of home

Last week the peace and quiet of my parents’ well-curated rooftop terrace, which includes a collection of cacti they picked up all over the Americas and repotted here in Naples, was disturbed by workers refurbishing the building next door. My parents were horrified as the

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Forever in the archive:

On the other side of fog

Since I published my piece about play last week, a very interesting conversation has been unfolding below it. In the article, I focused on how necessary unstructured play is for us as a species in order to learn. But some great contributions from members and invited experts pushed

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On love, care, and the role of family

I’m back at work today after the Easter weekend, when I had a couple of days off. It meant extra family time at a time when family time seems to be all I get.  But since reading developmental psychologist Alison Gopnik, an inspiring thinker when it

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Stop judging parents by how their children fare

Being a mother comes with a lot of conflicted feelings. I go from wanting to literally bite into my son’s chubby thighs and cheeks to wanting to scream at him when it’s midnight and he doesn’t feel like sleeping. It’s a rollercoaster. Adoration mixed in

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On tooth fairies and dreamy swims in lockdown

I’ve been in lockdown in Naples, Italy, for three weeks now. The rules are strict here; we can only go out with a self-certification showing that we’re doing groceries or going to the pharmacy. Since I’m staying with my parents, I’m being extra careful for

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How do we raise a feminist?

Every person who believes men are superior to women was once a child.  People who see women as possessions passed on from their fathers to their husbands; as child bearers and kitchen cleaners; as worthless on the sports field or in the boardroom; as leaders

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Women! Women everywhere (even on the walls)

Powerful marches and strikes were led by women in Latin America to mark International Women’s Day this year – something I’ve missed since I’m in Italy, where public gatherings are to be kept to a minimum because of coronavirus containment strategies. Women in Latin America marched

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