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What would a world without men look like?

It all starts with a birthday party: Madalena, a stay-at-home mother, organises a birthday party in the park for her daughter Rosa, with an incredible homemade cake and lots of other delicious food. Madalena is waiting for her partner Andrea, who has an important job

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Forever in the archive

Let’s talk about sex, baby (and gender, too)

Part of what we do here at The Correspondent is explain our learning curve as writers and bring our readers along for the sake of transparency. Last week, my latest article came out about my challenges as a feminist mother raising a boy. It started off as

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Leaving crumbs behind

Little Thumb is one of those old fairytales with so many horrible details that it would never make it into a children’s book these days. It became popular in the 17th-century version, written by France’s Charles Perrault, the author of Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. The story

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Reading time

(Featured photo: Andrea Spinelli Barrile) “Are you reading to him?” This was the question that my son’s paediatrician asked when I last called. I wanted to make sure that I would not miss any important check-ups or vaccinations since we are going to be in

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Forever in the archive:

Who can afford to become a mother?

Kabul-born illustrator Moshtari Hilal did this drawing to accompany my article in Unbias the News. I am using the drawing with their permission. Lorenzo was born nine months ago, on a Tuesday evening, 10 days earlier than the expected date.  On the Monday night, unaware

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Doing the laundry

A laundromat may not be your ideal location to spend a Saturday afternoon. Even less so if you are out and about with a small child. But I have to admit that my Saturday afternoon doing laundry was actually quite pleasant. My family and I

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What’s in a name?

“Is this a girl?” An elderly lady, seeing my baby, asked my husband and me this question as we were waiting to get on the funicular to visit Bergamo’s Upper City over the weekend. I smiled and replied: “His name is Lorenzo.” Except that in

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This weekend I met up with my parents and it surprised me that they both congratulated Nacho, my husband, for being a great father. Don’t get me wrong: Nacho is an amazing father. He spends many hours a day taking care of our son Lorenzo, makes him

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Bouncing around

As I walked around the outskirts of Stockholm this week, I noticed tonnes of trampolines: it seemed like every other house had one in its backyard, or in front of the garage. Swedes take children’s play seriously, at least that is what emerged from the

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Laughter in the children’s hospital

Hello from Sweden, where autumn is already turning the leaves red and the rose hips are getting ripe! One of the hardest things about writing about the first 1,000 days is that childhood looks so different around the world, and there are few commonalities across

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Callout: Share your earliest memories with me

In the first series on my beat, the First 1,000 Days, I will be digging into memory-making. You can help me by telling me what you remember and why. Memory of the first 1,000 days depends on other people. In our own lives, we rely

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